Cornei Spies

TRE Provider

I am a qualified Social Worker, registered TRE provider and also qualified HeartMatch Mentor/Coach.  I currently do TRE part time, as I am in full time employment as a School Counsellor, working with teenagers.

I do offer group and individual sessions, as well as family sessions if required.  I live in Pretoria East and see clients both at my office at school – if this is closer – and my home address in Pretoria East.

I have some experience with rendering online sessions and am willing to offer such sessions if required.  Although I prefer working with clients face to face.  I am fascinated on the body’s inner workings, and always looking for opportunities to learn more.  As a Social Worker, who used to be in the field, in predominately statutory role, I worked with a lot of trauma victims and witnessed the affects on families, young and old.  I always felt so helpless in being able to help release/resolve trauma suffered by my clients.  This was before TRE crossed my path, I never realized the role the body played in relation to trauma, stress, etc, never even realized that it was all connected so to speak.  I am thrilled that through TRE/HeartMath, etc, I have found a way to help people become free from hurts suffered.  A way to enrich peoples lives.  A way to help clients break free from the past and live and enjoy their present and future lives.


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