Emma Williams

TRE Provider
Tokai, Cape Town, 7966

Integrated Health Practitioner

“The greatest ally we have is the body because it forces us to live fully in the present moment. Our body is our history book of what has happened to it. It is pure and undistorted. Unlike the ego, it cannot make things up.” – Quoted from the book, The Revolutionary Trauma Release Process by Dr D Berceli.

In 2013, Emma completed her training with TRE® founder, David Berceli and Dr Melanie Salmon. Emma regularly attended the practitioner supervision with Dr Salmon, who was instrumental on bringing TRE® to South Africa.

Emma’s professional and diverse journey includes being a Pilates Instructor, a BodyTalk Practitioner, Muscle Activation, TRE® (Trauma and Tension Releasing Exercises), Systemic Family Constellation Therapy, Fascia Release Therapy, Gestalt Counselling skills and QEC (Quantum Energy Coaching).

Emma approaches each client with presence and awareness while working with integrity, authenticity and safety.




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TRE® denotes TRE’s registered trademark. Dr. David Berceli holds the Copyright,Trademark and Service Mark (SM) for all TRE training materials and the TRE process. All rights to use is reserved and TRE FOR ALL, Inc (TFA) (NGO) holds distribution rights. Also protected are: Trauma Release Process SM, Tension Release Process SM. TRE website: http://www.treforall.org

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