SA TRE® Testimonials (video)
Dr Melanie Salmon’s 2009 video testimonial about TRE®.
Dr Salmon subsequently initiated and organized TRE Training with David Berceli in South Africa in the years 2010 to 2012.
Haley Ritzlmeyer – TRE® Certification Trainer in Johannesburg describes how TRE® helped her release chronic lower back pain.
TRE® Certification Trainer Erika Coertzen (Limpopo) learned TRE® together with other members of her family in 2012.
Janet from Johannesburg shares how TRE released trauma from a fractured skull and spine at 16 years old.
Pastor and wife find TRE provides physical tension release that helps his congregation He and his wife use TRE exercise as a relaxation tool several times per week; it is good for their relationship. Wife feels TRE released trauma from her body originating from being hit by lightning when she was younger