TRE Exercises – Official Video

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TRE Exercises – Official Video

TRE® is an innovative series of exercises that assist the body in releasing deep muscular patterns of stress, tension and trauma. The exercises safely activate a natural reflex mechanism of shaking or vibrating that releases muscular tension, calming down the nervous system. When this muscular shaking/vibrating mechanism is activated in a safe and controlled environment, the body is encouraged to return back to a state of balance.

Tension & Trauma Releasing Exercises (or TRE®) is based on the fundamental idea, backed by research, that stress, tension and trauma is both psychological and physical. TRE®’s reflexive muscle vibrations generally feel pleasant and soothing.  After doing TRE®, many people report feelings of peace and well-being. TRE® has helped many thousands of people globally.

TRE® is designed to be a self-help tool that, once learned, can be used independently as needed throughout one’s life, thereby continuously supporting and promoting personal health and wellness.

Official demonstration of the seven exercises that comprise TRE® (Tension & Trauma Releasing Exercises).  TRE® creator Dr. David Berceli takes you through a brief introduction of the exercises.

*Disclaimer: If you have any medical or physical limitations, please consult your doctor before trying TRE®. Normally, these exercises can be done very safely and easily by yourself if you are using them as a simple stress reduction or releasing tension in your muscles.*  

If you prefer a guided approach or want to use TRE to navigate physical or emotional symptoms of traumatisation, you should contact a certified Provider who will  give you a personal introduction and share insights and suggestions on how to use TRE consistently and safely. 

The real power and benefit of TRE lies in consistent and guided use over a period of time. As the approach and recommendations are highly individual, you will benefit from starting with a TRE Provider. 

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TRE® denotes TRE’s registered trademark. Dr. David Berceli holds the Copyright,Trademark and Service Mark (SM) for all TRE training materials and the TRE process. All rights to use is reserved and TRE FOR ALL, Inc (TFA) (NGO) holds distribution rights. Also protected are: Trauma Release Process SM, Tension Release Process SM. TRE website:

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