Vision & Mission

Home Vision & Mission

TRE® FOR AFRICA FOUNDATION was established in 2015 in an effort to share this valuable tool with the people of South Africa and throughout the African continent.


TRE® FOR AFRICA FOUNDATION aims to support people within South Africa and the African continent, by providing individuals and communities with the necessary skills to recover and heal themselves following traumatic events.



The Trust will be involved in activities that promote the provision of TRE to all peoples within South Africa and the African continent. This will be accomplished in the following ways:The Trust will be involved in activities that promote the provision of TRE to all peoples within South Africa and the African continent. This will be accomplished in the following ways:

Bring knowledge of and training in the method of TRE to towns, regions, provinces and into other African countries.

Distribute information on TRE to the public via various media outlets, and arrange events for the public to attend to demonstrate the value of TRE.

Forge connections with Government/NGO departments and structures in South Africa and other African countries to coordinate public awareness workshops.

Provide support to all people within South Africa and the African continent, with a specific focus on:

High risk groups, which include, among others, members of the police force, emergency workers, social workers, veterans, psychologists, counsellors and volunteers as well as schools and rehabilitation centres.

Vulnerable and abused individuals, survivors of trauma such as natural disasters, violent attacks, home invasions and other traumatic incidents.

Collaborating with NGO’s and NPO’s who can assist in identifying individuals/communities in need.

c/o Ewing Trust Company Mafavuke House 28 Old Main Road Hillcrest
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TRE® denotes TRE’s registered trademark. Dr. David Berceli holds the Copyright,Trademark and Service Mark (SM) for all TRE training materials and the TRE process. All rights to use is reserved and TRE FOR ALL, Inc (TFA) (NGO) holds distribution rights. Also protected are: Trauma Release Process SM, Tension Release Process SM. TRE website:

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