TRE® @ Ottery Youth Care Centre
Manuela Kacinari Wall and Christine Cornick began working with Ottery Youth Care Centre in Cape Town (for Juvenile Offenders) in April 2015 and have so far run a TRE courses with 20 of the staff and 18 of the boys in their care programme. Desiree English also joined the training team for some of the staff sessions and Jeremy de Tolly brought his male energy to the programme with the boys!
The results of both programmes have been great and Ottery are keen to continue and expand the programme in 2016. Staff reported reduced back pain, improved sleep, feeling less overwhelmed and tired, less headaches, and the end of various aches and pains in their bodies. Many are now continuing to practice TRE regularly at home. The Principal of the centre said after his first session “What a wow experience! Deeply liberating – I released so many things that were probably sitting in my body. There’s definitely a place for TRE in any school. And a powerful place for staff to get together – a very tranquil space, a very calming space, and a deeply healing space. Where have you guys been all my life?!”

The programme with the boys – who are aged between 10 and 18 – began in October 2015 and each session has seen the boys get more used to the exercises and go deeper into their process.
They even invented their own variation on one of the exercises as seen here!
Teachers and staff at the school have noticed differences in the boys’ attention levels as well as improved behaviour. Many of the boys have expressed how calm they feel at the end of a session – some going into a sound sleep during integration. The boys have been given ‘loyalty cards’ to encourage them to attend regularly and a second phase of the programme will continue in January 2016. Many boys from other classes in the school have also asked to join the programme.

Manuela and Christine are also starting a programme with Soil for Life staff in January 2016 and exploring other community projects for later in the year.[spacer height=”20px”]
For more information please contact Manuela or Christine, you can find their contact details here: TRE Providers – Cape Town